Greg Devany,   Junior Web Engineer
| | (512) 587-9285 | Austin, Texas, US
Software Engineer- developing full stack responsive SPA web applications using MERN stack (React.js) or Vue.js.   Eager to apply these skills to create, maintain, or perfect the look, responsiveness, and functionality of web applications.
Junior Frontend Engineer 2019
Reader's Legacy (
Created responsive frontend (React.js) UI components for new features including photos, videos, articles, and authors wall (twitter model) pages from Zeplin sketches for both mobile and desktop.

Junior Frontend Engineer 2018
Created frontend (React.js) merchant batch-uploader as a team member, taking direction from our German counterparts. Also completed bug fixes on merchant MCRM (jQuery) and worked on new feature on Auto1 public platform (React.js). Scrum methodology

Junior Web Engineer (contractor) 2018
Heath Consulting
Project work on (React.js) web app which consisted of over 600 custom JS files. Assigned to aesthetic front-end bug fixes, client-side data flow fixes, and complete page view reconfiguring.

Business Owner 2012 — 2017
Easy Life Pools
Developed and managed a portfolio of pool maintenance service clients in Austin and nearby regions. Consulting and mentoring services provided to several small businesses with specialization in binding/nonbinding contract requirements, new client acquisition/retention, and daily operations.

Business Owner 1994 — 2012
Greg Devany Engineering
Managed oversight of daily civil engineering laboratory testing, which determined approx. $1-$2m producer’s payments monthly. Routinely requested to be expert independent review of state specifications and software program’s accuracy, relevance, and ease of implementation as a contractor on five independent contracts awarded by the State of Texas and TxDOT over 18 years.

Austin Coding Academy Feb '17 — Oct '17
Full Stack Web Development
Extensive boot camp experience developing full stack responsive SPA web applications using Node.js, React/Redux, Express, & MongoDB technologies.

ACC- Continuing Education Jan ‘15 — Dec ‘15
Full Stack Java Development
Full stack Java Development Series: J2EE, HTML, Apache Tomcat, NetBeans.

Texas State University 2001 — 2003
Business Management / CIS
Devany Family Recipes 2.0 (React/Redux)
Better, Bigger, Stronger than v-1.0, and converted from Vue to React. Access to all family recipes, wherever and whenever. No need to call mom for that cookie recipe again.
  • Recipes are easily saved with a title, tag selection, a short description, and an images.
  • Images are stored on and tags are used for filtering.
  • Code base was designed to make changes in Redux state only for new website.

Devany Family Recipes 1.0 (Vue.js)
Family Recipes 1.0. This was my first Vue.js project. Once I realized how often we used it in the kitchen, I decided to build it better (v-2.0)

Westbank Pools (React.js & JS)
CMS website utilizing Cloudinary for image storage and project management. Built on create-react-app.

Bogo By Zip (React.js)
BOGO coupons for user's current zip code. Full stack web app, designed for mobile view, but responsive to desktop. Built on MERN stack.
  • Coupons filtered by user's current geolocated zip code and user selected topic/subtopic.
  • Coupons populated to DB by business owner. (free)
  • Free to customer AND business. Many opportunities for app income (ads, upsales, etc).

Web Development: Vue.js React/Redux, Node.js, Javascript ES/6, Express, MongoDB / Mongoose, JQuery, Bootstrap, GIT, REST API's, HTML5 / CSS3, SCRUM
Full Stack Java Development: J2EE
References available upon request